Monthly Archives: February 2021

paint spray booth

Micro-Mark spray booth

This week I received my Micro Mark portable spray booth. I will be setting it up in the garage and venting it out the side window. I put together saw horses and the board I use for cutting track roadbed. I can set it up and take it down as needed and still have parking space for the car.

Spray paint “booth”

I finally set up my garage as a spray paint booth until my new paint booth arrives from Micro-Mark. The window fan has a furnace filter to protect the fan and the wires with clips on the left are to allow the painted objects to hang and dry. the two freshly painted walkways are hanging after being painted.

1st walkway color

My first coat of paint on the bridge walkways was the wrong version of Rust-oleum Metallic and had a lot of sparkle. I have communicated with Edmund who sent me his walkway photos on the MR community pages and obtained the correct color that he used and will be posting it as soon as I finish the paint job.