Monthly Archives: January 2016

Adding DCC to my engines

I’ve started adding DCC decoders to my engines. This can be a challenge as older engines frequently have very little room inside the shell for new equipment. 2016-01-09 engines (1) 2016-01-09 engines (2) 2016-01-09 engines (3)  As you can see these NP “F” units have a large weight over the motor, so I had to run the wire from the front truck and light to the decoder inside the weight and tape it to the inside top.

Search engine errors

I just recently discovered that all, or most, of the search engine errors are in reference to the Pacific Cascade Railway web site that I built in 2012, using Dreamweaver and before finding WordPress to run the site. Those links are gone and I now need to somehow tell the Mozella spiders to stop searching for them. This web building is interesting, but I want to get back to railroad building.

I did add a page to my site about Grandpa Jefferson Clark Franklin and his work on the Spokane Portland and Seattle railroad.